Selected Publications
My lab focuses on variables associated with successful treatment outcomes in a forensic population. Continued attention to evidence-supported methodologies will assist in reducing recidivism and improving the lives of offenders and society.
In Process
Frye, B. (under review) Group Composition and its Relationship Outcomes in Adult Treatment. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy.
Frye, B., Kushner, M., Thuras, P. (In preparation) Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effectiveness of Modified Integrated Hybrid Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders in a Community-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Program.Target Journal: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
Sex Offender Literature
Frye, B. (2019). Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment: How are We Doing and where are We Going? Forensic Scholars Today, 5 (1).
Brown, J., Mitten, R., Neal, D., Russell, A, Wiley, C., and Frye, B., Wartnik, A., Varga1, S., Haanen, G., Pickett, H, Harr, D., Russell, E. , & Van Gundy, R. (2018). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Inappropriate Sexual Behavior: An Introduction for Forensic Mental Health and Criminal Justice Professionals. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Today, 1(1), 1-35
Co-Occurring Disorders/Clinical Research
Kushner, M. G., Maurer, E. W., Thuras, P., Donahue, C., Frye, B., Menary, K. R., Hobbs, J.,
Haeny, A. M., & Van Demark, J. (2013). Hybrid Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Versus Relaxation Training for Co-Occurring Anxiety and Alcohol Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Kushner, M.G., Sletten, S., Donahue, C., Thuras, P., Maurer, E., Schneider, A., Frye, B., Van Demark, J. (2009). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder in patients being treated for alcohol dependence: Moderating effects of alcohol outcome expectancies. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 554-560.
Kushner, M.G., Krueger, R., Frye, B. & Peterson J. (2008). Epidemiological perspectives on co-occurring anxiety disorder and substance use disorder. In Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders Co-morbidity, S. Stewart and P. Conrod (Eds.). (pp. 3-17) Springer Publishing.
Kushner, Matt G; Donahue, Christopher; Sletten, Sandra; Thuras, Paul; Abrams, Ken; Peterson, Jill; Frye, B. Cognitive behavioral treatment of comorbid anxiety disorder in alcoholism treatment patients: Presentation of a prototype program and future directions. (2006) Journal of Mental Health. Vol 15(6) Dec 697-707.
Ethnic Identity/Multicultural Research
Frye, Brenda M. Ethnic identity development and adolescent health-related decision-making. [Dissertation Abstract]Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Vol 64(9-B), 2004, pp. 4613.